Grace and Blessings Annual Mass Enrollment
Is someone you care about in need of prayer?
We would be honored to pray for them here at the Seton Shrine.
When you enroll them in the Seton Shrine’s Annual Mass Enrollment Society, they will be remembered in all our regular Masses for an entire year, and their names will be written in the Book of Prayer that sits at Mother Seton’s altar.
The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Benefits of Enrollment
Remembrance for one year in all scheduled Masses at The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Daily remembrance during morning prayers at the National Shrine.
Share in all the works offered at Mother Seton's Shrine
"Virgin mother, daughter of your Son,
more humble and sublime than any creature,
fixed goal decreed from all eternity,
you are the one who gave to human nature so much nobility that its Creator did not disdain His being made its creature.
That love whose warmth allowed this flower to bloom within the everlasting peace - was love rekindled in your womb, for us above, you are the noonday torch of charity,
and there below, on earth, among the mortals, you are a living spring of hope.
Lady, you are so high, you can so intercede, that he who would have grace but does not seek your aid, may long to fly but has no wings.
Your loving kindness does not only answer the one who asks, but it is often ready to answer freely long before the asking.
In you compassion is, in you is pity, in you is generosity, in you is every goodness found in any creature."
- Dante Alighieri, Paradiso, Canto 33